时间 | 任职单位 | 职务 |
2018年-至今 | 上海交通大学太阳集团tyc151学院 | 专职科研人员 |
2011年-2017年 | 航天科技集团五院西安分院 | 高级工程师 |
时间 | 毕业院校 | 学历 |
2006年-2011年 | 上海交通大学 | 博士 |
2003年-2006年 | 西北工业大学 | 硕士 |
1999年-2003年 | 西北工业大学 | 本科 |
(1)2019-2021 上海交通大学-多伦多大学联合基金;
(2)2019-2021 上海自然科学基金;
(1)Xiaoliang Wang; Deren Gong*; Wang Nan; Wu Shufan, Second-order Approximation Integral Inequality for Stability of Systems with Time Delays, The 3rd International Symposium on Autonomous Systems, (ISAS2019), 29-31 May 2019, Shanghai, Proceedings, pp.261-265, 978-1-7281-1298-5/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE.
(2)Deren Gong, Xiaoliang Wang*, Shufan Wu, and Xiaodan Zhu, Shifted Legendre Polynomials-Based Single and Double Integral Inequalities with Arbitrary Approximation Order: Application to Stability of Systems with Interval Time-Varying Delays, (2020) AIMS Mathematics, 5(5): 4371–4398.
(3)Deren Gong, Xiaoliang Wang*, Shufan Wu, Xiaodan Zhu, Discrete Legendre Polynomials-Based Inequality for Stability of Time-Varying Delayed Systems, Journal of the Franklin Institute, Volume 356, Issue 16, November 2019, Pages 9907-9927.
(4)Xiaoliang Wang, Shu-fan W, De-ren G, et al. Topological Analysis of Space Network Using Burnside Theory [J]. Advances in Astronautics Science and Technology, 2019: 1-5.
(5)Lei, W. Y., Wu, G. C., Tao, X. X., Bian, L., & Wang, X. L. (2017). BDS satellite-induced code multipath: Mitigation and assessment in new-generation IOV satellites. Advances in Space Research, 60(12), 2672-2679.
(6)Xiaoliang Wang, et.al. Design and test of HiSGR: a novel GNSS/INS ultra-tight coupled receiver[J]. Journal of communications and information networks, 2016, 1(3): 67-76.
(7)Xiaoliang Wang, et.al. A simple three dimensional matrix method for global constellation Intra-Satellite-Link topological design, International Journal of Navigation and Observation, Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 502158, 17 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/502158
(8)Xiaoliang Wang, Improved adaptive filter with application to relative navigation[J]. GPS solutions, 2011, 15(2): 121-128. Accession number: IP50970987, DOI 10.1007/s10291-010-0175-7.
(9)Xiaoliang Wang, sxw, Deren Gon, and Dengping Duan, Improved adaptive Huber filter for relative navigation using global position system[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2011, 225(7): 769-777.
(10)Xiaoliang Wang, DerenGong, LiqiangXu, sxw, DengpingDuan, Laser radar based relative navigation using improved adaptive Huber filter[J]. Acta Astronautica, 2011, 68(11-12): 1872-1880.
(1)2019 ICASSE, Toronto, ‘NAVIGATION’ Session Chair;
(2)2019 ICASE2019, Pakistan, Keynote Speaker。
(1)2019 The 5th International Symposium on Small Satellite Technology,会议优秀论文。
(2)2018 第六届八院航天科技创新发展论坛,会议优秀论文。
(3)2016 国家自然科学基金委信息学部,第一届空间信息网络学术论坛,会议优秀论文。
(4)2013 China Satellite Navigation Conference (CNSC2013),会议优秀论文。
(5)2013 航天五院空间科学与空间探测专业组学术年会,会议优秀论文。